Wednesday, March 31, 2010

NTU's 55th Anniversary: Run Round Singapore 2010 Success!

The above event went on pretty smoothly, with participants, organizers and the members of public being able to view the website for live information as to the location of the runners in the gruelling 218km race.

To mark AGIS' involvement in the event, Chief-Marketing-Officer (CMO) Carey presented a token of appreciation to our CEO, Fang Soong on behalf of the organizers, coinciding with our monthly monday lunchtime talks.

Carey then gave all staff a brief run through of what took place that day, everything from the challenges runners face, to the challenges AGIS faced in bringing such a value-added service to the masses.

One again, we'd like to congratulate all runners involved in the NTU Run Round Singapore 2010!

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